Monday, April 28, 2008

Encouraging Your Child’s Faith

Encouraging Your Child’s Faith – 5 Actions

1) LOVE them as Christ LOVES you! This, by far, is the best way to encourage your child’s faith. It puts meaning behind all your actions, rules and boundaries. If they question your love for them, then all the proper parenting in the world won’t really matter.

2) The 3 question devotion. This is a simple fun way to explore the Bible as a family. First, pick a short passage of scripture and read it aloud. I recommend a simple translation like the NLT or the Message. Next, you will need a toy microphone, a graduation cap, and a hand mirror. Hand these out.
a) The person holding the microphone is the “reporter”. They answer the first question of: “What does the passage say?” They are not to add or take away from what is in scripture, and they shouldn’t tell the lesson or what they think about it. This person just restates what the Bible says in their own words.
b) The person wearing the graduation cap is the “teacher”. They are to answer the second question: “What does it mean?” In other words, they sum up the lesson learned from the passage that was read.
c) The person holding the mirror is the “student”. They answer the question: “What does it mean to me?” They look in the mirror (if they want) and share how this scripture can apply to their own life.

3) Right and Wrong. When children accept Christ as their Savior, they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is at work, helping them discern right from wrong. Whenever possible, help them identify this at work.

4) Pray together! When they have a scary dream, when they are sick, when they are hurt by a friend…take it to the Lord together. Make it your first reaction! Teach them how to trust worries to the Lord by example.

5) Forgive…and be forgiven. When children ask for forgiveness and we forgive them, we must do it completely. This does not mean they won’t experience consequences for their actions, but they should know through our words and our eyes, that no bond has been broken with us. Also, when we sin against our children, we are to ask them for forgiveness. They will learn by example!

6) Serve together. What can your family do together for Christ and His Kingdom? Whether it’s donating toys and clothes, helping out another family, or shoveling a neighbor’s sidewalk…do it together and explain that you are doing it for the Lord. Work together to be a blessing to those you encounter.

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