Monday, April 28, 2008

Family Devotions

FAMILY DEVOTIONS – A key part of training your child in their faith.

Five key components (from a FOF interview with Bruce Wilkinson):

1) The family devotion should be a regularly scheduled activity.
2) It should include all family members. If not all family members are present, do the devotion anyway with those who are.
3) The devotion should include meaningful activities and family interaction.
4) The devotion should be centered around the Bible and relevant life situations.
5) It should have two goals 1) Building Godly character (who you are) 2) Creating right habits (what you do).

Family devotions are a time to bless, teach and encourage.
Make it value oriented, not knowledge oriented. (Try the formula of: modern day story, similar Bible story, concluding principle)
Do not use it as a time to preach or discipline.
Values passed on to our children are caught, not taught. Nothing will train them more than your example.

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