Monday, April 28, 2008

The Quest for Quiet

If I get up before anyone else, I can usually have quiet for a few minutes. It’s such a peaceful time. Sometimes, I think I enjoy the morning quiet so much that I spend the rest of the day trying to recapture it. However, trying to keep the four kids quiet for longer than 2 ½ seconds only happens in the movies. If you tell them to be quiet more than a couple times, they seem to have some device that tunes out any further requests.
Besides, unless it’s naptime, mom’s should be very wary of quiet. I remember when Jenna was two and Isaac was a baby sitting in his bouncy seat. I was cooking dinner when I noticed the quiet. It snuck up on me. I called to Jenna, “What are you doing?”. She replied in her sweet 2-year old voice, “I’m coloring on Isaac’s... (she stopped herself)…NOTHING!!” Mother’s should also be very wary when their children say “nothing”. I turned the corner to see that Jenna had artistically colored all over Isaac’s face and hands with markers.
Enjoy your quiet in the early morning or late evening. But during the day…go ahead and enjoy the noise.

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